
I Joined an Exclusive Club of YouTube Porn Hunters

Porn is hiding on YouTube in plain sight. You just have to know how to search for it.
I Joined an Exclusive Club of YouTube Porn Hunters
Image: screenshots via YouTube / composition: Samantha Cole

Whether it’s feeding trash content to kids, spreading misinformation, or hosting videos of murder against the victim family’s wishes, YouTube has, like most massive platforms of its type, done less than a perfect job at keeping awful shit off the site.

As any sex worker or educator who has any online presence can tell you, however, YouTube and other social media sites take a hard stance against nudity and sexual content, which they remove swiftly. In 2019, a group of YouTubers who make educational videos about sex, the LGBTQ+ community, and kink, sued YouTube for discrimination. It is, like much of the internet is increasingly becoming, a place where you are far more likely to encounter blatant racism, sexism, or transphobia than a stray nipple.

But that doesn’t mean nudity and sexual content doesn’t exist on YouTube. Last month, I dove into a community of people who scour the platform for videos containing nudity, the more explicit the better. I was surprised to learn just how much of this content exists, and how easy it is to find once you know what to search for. I even managed to join an exclusive Discord channel where people share the rarest, least known explicit YouTube videos, and methods on how to find them, which you can only be admitted to by offering nude videos you’ve discovered on your own.

People Exploited YouTube Bug to Upload “Undeletable” Porn Videos
Communities of YouTube hackers and YouTube porn searchers discovered a bug that broke the platform’s interface and kept hardcore porn on the site for weeks.

The kind of nude videos these connoisseurs share fall into a few distinct categories, the most predictable of which is brief nudity in scenes from movies posted to YouTube. For example, 2009’s Powder Blue is not a memorable movie. In fact, I didn’t even know it existed until it popped up in the YouTubeTitties subreddit, a community for sharing YouTube videos that feature some nudity, where one user shared a striptease scene featuring Jessica Biel.

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