
Users Can't Speak to Viral AI Girlfriend CarynAI Because CEO Is in Jail for Arson

“CarynAI being down has really caused an uproar within my community,” Caryn Marjorie said.
Users Can't Speak to Viral AI Girlfriend CarynAI Because CEO Is in Jail for Arson
Screenshot via CarynAI

People who paid to speak to an AI girlfriend modeled after real life 23-year-old influencer Caryn Marjorie are distraught because the service they paid for, Forever Companions, no longer works. It appears that the service stopped working shortly after Forever Companion CEO and founder John Meyer was arrested for trying to set his own apartment on fire. 

404 Media tested CarynAI today as well as other AI bots and confirmed the service is not working. According to what we saw in the Telegram channel where Forever Companion users start conversations with CarynAI, the service has not been working since October 23. 

“I terminated my relationship with Forever Voices due to unforeseen circumstances,” Marjorie told 404 Media in an email. “I wish the best for John Meyer and his family as he recovers from his mental health crisis. We didn't see this coming but I vow to push CarynAI forward for my fans and supporters." 

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